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My comments are not to be taken as an academic book review or one descriptive of the authors methods and style; but rather comments about the big picture with regards to the advent of the Tea Party.We are indebted to Paul Street and Anthony DiMaggio for presentindg a well stuctured treatise about what many of us already knew. Namely that there is and has been a segment of the country that are well to the right of the political thought of conservative republicans. These people are low information voters who hate being confused by facts they are the same people who resented the policies of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, President Johnson's Affirmative Action Executive Order of 1965, and all the legislation seeking to level the playing field with regards to the groups in our society who have been and are marganized. Tea Party people have always been here, however many Tea Party members are disillusioned, not so much with the government but with their own party as they are beginning to realize they have been used by ultra right millionaires and billionaires who seek to alter political thought in the country. Moreover what started out to be a worthy cause was hijacted by smart money. We know that applied behavorial science research tells us that of all the differences between individuals and groups "color" is most significant. When President Obama was elected all the residual resentments pented up over the years were triggered. The election results, together with the failing economy,the stubborn recession, terrorist scares by former Vice President Chaney, and daily doses of over the top pejorative rants by talking heads at Fox News set the stage. Smart money saw an opportunity to mobilize right wing Republicans, evangelical extremists, and just plain mean and bitter people resentful of a Black Man serving as President and Commander in Chief of the United States into a major political force; with the so called purpose of taking their country back from wasteful liberals. What they really meant subliminally was (from that Black man in our White House). Their intraphic conflict needed an outlet, we began to see this during the 2008 Presidental race with gun toting people carring all kinds of racist signs. The sad part is that many good and decent people were hoodwinked into joining the party believing its purpose was really to get the country's financial house in order. The book is timely but we can expect all sorts of criticisms and denials - however the record speaks for itself just take a look at the current House of Representatives and by all means tune in to Fox News. "Crashing the Tea Party" does a great service to the country, I truly hope it receives adequate reviews, and public attention by the cable news talking heads; the book really does UNCOVER the Tea Party,Thank You.
Rabu, 02 April 2014
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