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Kamis, 03 April 2014

Reviews About Musculoskeletal Pain Emanating From the Head and Neck: Current Concepts in Diagnosis, Management, and Cost Containment (Hardcover)

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Having treated numerous whiplash victims, and having observed the whiplash controversy from afar, I am continually amazed that some people will not only bring unfair criticism to books like this, but that they will use the opportunity to advertise themselves ("see more about me") so they can make even more money off the whiplash industry. I was rather pleased to buy Allen's book, as it adds fairness and balance to the controversy. I was somewhat surprised that he includes articles by Radanov, Bogduk and Croft, among others.
Interestingly, some people try to use this book to sell themselves to Plaintiff lawyers as hired gun able to deal with defensive 'experts' when they rely on, and vigorously defend Allen's article by using his own book to basically discredit his earlier article. Thanks to Freeman, Croft, Reiser et al's paper later in Spine, some Plaintiff experts have actually been able to reap huge financial rewards, and victimise patients and society at the same time, since they have been hired to serve Plaintiff lawyers and themselves only.
Again, Dr. Murray Allen has a balanced view of whiplash, just as the other international expert, Dr. Ferrari.
I wish that we could find a way to eliminate the 'money-seeking Plaintiff experts' from the academic and medicolegal pool. I get tired of haring the same arguments used for monetary gain and trying to make sure that expert testimony matches what the Plaintiff lawyer wants to hear. Fortunately, the vast majority of care givers do otherwise. I commend Dr. Allen for 'biting his tongue' and letting Dr. Croft have a voice where everyone else has stopped listening to the nonsense thereof. Now, if we just could get someone to wake up Lommell...

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