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Rabu, 23 April 2014

Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence (Paperback)

The review about this product

I had long known that my relationship to money was not correct, although I tried. This book put all my thinking into a cohesive mode, and a way of thinking and aspiring that has re-shaped how I look at the world, look at my contribution, and live in relation to money and my dreams.
This is not a book about budgeting money, but about looking at how spend money, and deciding if specfic expenditures are truly worth it to you. The authors do not say what is right and what is wrong to spend money on, but get the reader to think about what is right for them. To do this, they authors suggest, keep track of every cent you spend, and what you spent it for, and at the end of the month total everything up, and see how you did. But remember, there's no right or wrong - only what you think is right or wrong. Are you buying a $1 cup of coffee every morning before work? Well, if you do the authors' suggestion, you'll see at the end of your first month that you just spent $20-25 that month on coffee. Is it really worth it to you? How much are you really spending on gas? What if you walked to the grocery store instead?
The authors want you to live nothing less than as a human, and the way to do that is through financial freedom. Are you willing to give up that coffee every day if it means saving that dollar, and being able to retire a year earlier? (YES - with the miracle of compound interest, it could happen). The authors believe, and I agree with them, that the earlier we can stop working and live off our earnings, the better it is for us, and for the community (meaning earth) as a whole. It means we will not have consumed as much, and also that we are then free - free to volunteer at the church, the school, the VFW, hospital, whatever; and/or free to pursue whatever our dream is, since we don't have to worry about making an income from it. Is your dream to paint fine art? Well, if you work like a dog for as much money as you can earn, you can save and then have the freedom to do it. Or to spend time with your children. Or your spouse. Or helping your community. And even if you don't aspire to retire early, or want to work at a job just to make a lot of money, I found that this system certainly altered my spending in ways that actually increased my quality of life, while reducing my outlay, because I only spend on things I truly am interested in, or truly need. It's amazing.
I think these are very noble thoughts and ideas, and this book will help you do it. But you gotta work at it - I was amazed, after the first couple months using their spending tracking thing, how much I was wasting and didn't realize it. Then I was amazed at how easy it is now *not* to waste that money. I almosst never buy soda or water when walking around the city, but take water with me from home. I don't buy little tschotchkes any more (unless I really truly want it), since it's an environmental and financial waste. And I have saved money like I've never been able to save before, without going on a budget, or decreasing my quality of life. I merely eliminated the spending that I thought was adding up to much (but was), and wasn't increasing my quality of life at all.
I am so much happier after reading this book, and taking their ideas to heart, and I think anyone else would, too.

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